Awards are something we all crave- or at least welcome. From the time we were young, the stickers, the gold star, the trophy- they were all things that made us feel good. It was confirmation that we did something well. So well, that others noticed. So well, that our efforts rose to the top of the heap. So well, they were worthy of recognition from others.
As adults, we still welcome when others notice we are doing exceptional work or have done something noteworthy. As writers, awards can make a huge difference in our careers.
Book lovers and avid readers know the value of that embossed emblem on a book cover, indicating that it has won a book award. It means the story is engaging. It means the writing is strong. It means that the work is worthy of the time and effort to read it. Even my elementary school students, when browsing the library to check out books, will notice when a book has an award emblem on the cover.
Writers also understand the importance of a book award. It means that your work is deemed exceptional. That compared to other titles in the genre, yours stands out. This is important because those that read and score books for book awards, are unbiased. They do not know you and are simply evaluating your work based on pre-determined criteria for exceptional writing.
As all writers know, everyone on the journey to get a book published, everyone from your agent, to editor, to publisher, believes in the book. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be part of the team. Of course they all think the book is wonderful.
But a book award comes from others. A group of judges, most esteemed professionals in the field of literature and publishing, who read and evaluate books and then give awards to those that rise to the top. To get that kind of confirmation from a panel of book judges, is so impactful.
This month my book Flower Power, was awarded second place in the Chapter Book Division of the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards. I am so thrilled. For my work to be among such other great books and accomplished writers is quite an honor. For Flower Power to be selected from the thousands of children’s books out there, is humbling.
The Dragonfly Book Awards are given by the organization that publishes Story Monsters Inc, a magazine for school librarians across the country. This is an organization of professionals whose mission is to get great books into the hands of kids and teachers.
The entire list of categories and winners can be viewed here:
These Book Award lists are great places to find the next book your kids will love!!!
