The term dormant, in scientific terms, means the conserving of resources by going into a seep-like, or inactive state.
Dormant can also mean being at rest, not being active, a sort of pause in normal activity and function.
I am now thinking of this summer as my dormant summer.
As a teacher, my summer is usually a fairly busy time for me. I fill it with several professional development/teacher institutes or seminars; I provide workshops for new teachers joining our district; I often teach a college summer class; I fit in some book signings/literacy events; I spend as much time as I can with my granddaughters; and my husband and I even fit in a little bit of travel. I enjoy the busy pace and the variety of the days, which is very different from the school year.
This year though, my summer calendar is surprisingly blank.
The day after school got out for the summer, I had my second total knee-replacement surgery. The first one was in December, and was a raging success. I was still working to get the strength and stamina back in the new knee, but it was pain-free. I was excited to get the other knee done.
So, months ago, as I planned my summer, I looked for virtual options. I knew that I would not be as mobile as usual, so figured that would be the best way for me to recover and still engage in the activities I enjoyed so much. Imagine my surprise when I found that the options were bleak.
It seems that virtual offerings are becoming a thing of the past. One of the silver linings of the covid pandemic, was the proliferation of virtual and online options for things. Teacher seminars, gatherings, conferences, and workshops could all be done virtually. Even as we wound our way out of the pandemic, those virtual offerings continued to sit alongside the face-to-face gatherings. But this year, I noticed a distinct shift. The New Teacher Onboarding Workshops that have been virtual for the 5 years jumped back to F2F. The Professional Development offerings this year were almost entirely F2F.
I am teaching a webcourse for the University this summer, but that is it!
So, I have decided to think of this as my dormant summer. A time to conserve my resources and rest-up for what will be, as usual, a busy and engaging fall.
I will go to physical therapy for my knee. I will walk as much as I can. I will read, I will cook, I will write, I will garden. Yes, this last one will be entirely dependent on my recovery, but I am sure I can putter a bit each day among my herbs and flowers.
So, like the plants and trees that go dormant in order to conserve energy until external conditions change, I will build up my reserves.
