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July 30, 2023: Good Bye Summer

Writer's picture: JudyJudy

Summer is over. Yes, I realize that it is still the last couple of days of July and that the official first day of autumn is not until Sept. 21st. I also realize that for many people, summer does not end until Labor Day, which is more than a month away.

However, I am a teacher, so my summer ends with the beginning of the new school year. Preplanning in our district begins this week. Teachers will be gathering back at school, unpacking supplies, arranging and setting up classrooms, planning lessons and activities, and reconnecting with colleagues.

For most teachers, this is not even the start of preparing for the new school year. Most of us have spent time over the summer attending professional development trainings, shopping for school supplies, reading over new standards and benchmarks, and even spending time in our classrooms rearranging for this next school year.

Our students still have another week and a half to enjoy their unstructured time, before we welcome them back on campus. While we are in staff meetings and team meetings, and getting our class lists, families will also be preparing for the new school year. Shopping for school supplies and clothes, organizing schedules and calendars, perhaps even enjoying some beach or pool time before coming back to school.

qAs sad as it is to say good bye to the flexible schedules of June and July, I must admit that I am looking forward to getting back into the rhythms of the school year. I am looking forward to seeing my fellow educators and our students and their families. So while endings are always a little melancholy, they also herald new beginnings, which is defintely exciting and invigorating!

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